PVEC’s Pandemic Response Plan

Powell Valley Electric Cooperative has implemented Tier 1 of its Pandemic Response Plan.  As this situation develops, it may become necessary to increase PVEC’s level of response. Updates will be provided on PVEC’s website (pve.coop) and Facebook.  PVEC is committed to serve its membership and we appreciate your understanding and patience during this uncertain time.

Tier 1 of the Pandemic Response Plan

  1. A very effective method of combating the spread of COVID-19 is “Social Distancing”; i.e., reducing close contact of the population. PVEC expects each employee to adhere to all policies or instructions regarding social distancing despite how inconvenient or awkward they may seem.


  1. Employees shall not shake hands or make physical contact with one another or with customers and should generally maintain at least 6 feet of separation from one another. Exceptions are made for members of crews working or riding in trucks together.


  1. The General Manager/CEO will establish office-wide sanitation policies (i.e. surface cleaning protocols, etc.).


  1. Employees who are concerned about contracting COVID-19 from their place of work, and can perform their duties remotely, will be offered options to work from home. At the discretion of the General Manager/CEO, certain positions may be required to work remotely.


  1. Measures will be implemented to protect employees whose duties cannot be performed remotely.


  1. The General Manager/CEO may at any time decide to secure the main office and allow customers to conduct transactions only through “Drive-Through” windows.


  1. PVEC will promote and encourage customers to perform business over the phone or on our website.


  1. In the event local schools and/or childcare facilities close, the General Manager/CEO will identify all employees impacted by the need for childcare services. If essential employees cannot perform their duties from home and are impacted by a need for childcare, PVEC Management will seek a reasonable accommodation.


  1. If departmental meetings need to occur, meetings shall be held via one of the following methods but should not include groups larger than ten (10) employees unless required for continued operations:
    1. Teleconference via office phones, cell phones, or radios.
    2. Outdoor meeting with all employees separated by at least 6 feet.


  1. Employees shall refrain from congregating (“hanging out”) in groups and shall try and keep a healthy distance from others at all times (at least 6 feet). Exceptions are allowed for members of the same crew or for the completion of work that ensures continuity of service.


  1. Personal Travel: PVEC employees who have traveled for personal reasons internationally or to areas in the U.S. that have declared states of emergency are to contact their manager in advance of returning to work to discuss areas that were visited and any potential guidance and/or restrictions for returning to work. In some cases, the employee may be subject to a 14-day isolation at home using paid time off (PTO).


  1. Employees working on outside crews (i.e. line crew, right-of-way, etc.) will be assigned small groups (crews) which will comprise of the men they are normally working on a “crew” with. These assigned groups shall keep segregated from one another until further notice.


  1. Electric/ROW Department
    1. Line and ROW workers will stick to their own crews and avoid congregating with members of other crews.
    2. If one member of a crew is suspected of having the coronavirus, it will be assumed the other members are sick as well. In the case of a confirmed COVID-19 case, the entire crew would remain at home and unable to work for at least 14 days or until cleared by a medical professional.
    3. Crews will stick with their assigned truck and shall disinfect their truck and workspace at the end of every day.
    4. The Area Supervisors will remain separate from crews, stay in their assigned office, assigned truck, and direct work remotely as much as possible.
    5. Area Supervisors will ensure helpers are assigned to make up crews and prevent intermingling of crews.
    6. Line and ROW crews will not intermingle, except as required to ensure continuity of service.


  1. Customer Service
    1. As long as the Board of Directors or the public health authorities permit us being open to the public, all inside Customer Service (CS) employees shall work on site while also taking precautions to ensure they are limiting their possible exposure to COVID-19. Precautions shall include at minimum: sanitizing workspaces often, washing/sanitizing hands often, wearing gloves while supplies are available, and keeping 6 or more feet from others whenever possible.
    2. At the discretion of the General Manager/CEO, a decision may be made to close counter transactions to our customers and use other available PVEC methods, such as a “drive-through” service, to process customer transactions.


  1. Accounting/Billing/HR/General
    1. As a general rule, any administrative employee whose duties can be performed from home should do so. And any work that must be performed on site shall be completed while taking the same precautions as our inside CS personnel (listed in previous section).
    2. The Senior Engineer will coordinate with Department Managers and Supervisors to ensure remotely working employees have the means to do so.
    3. Administrative employees whose duties cannot be performed remotely will be assigned shifts whenever possible and practical, to reduce contact. If these duties can be performed only on specific days (i.e. payroll), or during any fraction of a full work day, those employees will work from home when not actively performing said duties.
    4. Building Maintenance employees who must be present both to conduct their usual duties, and ensure additional sanitation protocols, will exercise extreme caution in limiting their exposure.
    5. Department Managers who have a need to be present at the office will remain separate from employees, remain in their offices, and provide direction remotely.


  1. Warehouseman/Purchasing Agent & Senior Mechanic
    1. As much as possible, these employees shall remain isolated and keep safe distances from co-workers (at least 6 feet).
    2. Employees shall disinfect their workspace at the end of every shift.


  1. Unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors, all Full Time Employees will continue to receive regular pay, unless they are using voluntary PTO (including sickness since they would be unable to work). This time will be treated like regular days for payroll purposes (all standard rules apply per current policy manual, i.e., overtime, stand-by, call-ins, etc.).

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