Powell Valley Electric Cooperative announces Safety Milestone and new ways to save money on your electric bill

Beginning October 1, PVEC will begin offering new incentives as a part of the New Homes Program. Through this program, installation of high efficiency heating and air conditioning equipment or conventional electric water heaters will result in cash rebates.  The New Home Program offers incentives up to $1,000 per home.

For existing homes customers can participate in the E-score program, which provides simple and easy do-it-yourself tips to eliminate energy waste and lower your electric bill. For more extensive needs, the cooperative can assist in scheduling an energy audit. PVEC is pleased to offer these incentives for our members and is committed to always providing safe, reliable and affordable electricity to our members.

Additionally, PVEC was recently awarded certificates of achievement by the Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives. The award recognizes the cooperative for achieving over 100,000 hours worked by cooperative employees without a lost-time accident.  “Our employees go through extensive and ongoing safety trainings throughout the year,” said Interim CEO Mike Knotts.  “The safety of our lineworkers is our highest priority, and this milestone represents a great accomplishment that they have worked hard to achieve. We are certainly proud of the dedication to safety they demonstrate each day, and the incredible efforts they give to keep the lights on – oftentimes in very difficult circumstances.”

Powell Valley Electric Cooperative is a consumer-owned, not-for-profit electric utility that serves more than 30,000 meters in Scott, Lee and Wise counties in Virginia and Claiborne, Hancock, Hawkins, Grainger and Union counties in Tennessee.  Learn more about Powell Valley Electric Cooperative at pve.coop.

Powell Valley is consumer owned and regulated

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