December 2023: News from your cooperative

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Back in October, Powell Valley Electric Cooperative participated in the annual Tennessee Electric Cooperative Association Day of Service.

It is incredible to see the passion our employees have for serving their neighbors. Throughout the event, their commitment to making lives better was clearly evident. For the Day of Service, Powell Valley Electric Cooperative chose to host a First Responders Luncheon. The cooperative recognizes the importance of the first responders who so bravely and selflessly serve our communities. In a display of appreciation, first responders were invited to each office location to be served a barbecue lunch and enjoy fellowship amongst their peers.

Why is it so important for Powell Valley Electric Cooperative to give back to its communities? The answer lies in the principles that define the co-op business model, particularly principle No. 7, “Concern for Community.”

We’ve got roots here — not just our co‑op but our employees as well. From the members of our board to our clerical staff to our lineworkers, we all call this area home. Our team members deeply care about their families, neighbors and friends who live here, too. Hands-on engagement strengthens the bonds of trust and the sense of shared purpose between our co-op and the community.

Community service has a unique way of instilling a culture of responsibility. When our employees participate in these events, it cultivates a strong sense of responsibility that extends beyond our primary mission of providing reliable and affordable electric service.

Powell Valley Electric Cooperative is unique because we are owned and governed by our members. Participating in community service events underscores the fact that we are accountable not only financially but also socially. It demonstrates our commitment to the democratic principles on which we were founded, ensuring that our community’s interests remain at the forefront of everything we do.

Projects like the one we completed back in October exemplify our dedication to the Powell Valley region, our commitment to enhancing lives and our profound sense of responsibility. The impacts of these projects go beyond simple charity; it’s about building stronger communities, empowering individuals and making a lasting difference.

The way I see it, our involvement in such events is not just important – it is essential.

— Brad Coppock


Powell Valley is consumer owned and regulated

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