Area High School Seniors Earn Electric Co-op College Scholarships

Three high school seniors from the service territory of Powell Valley Electric Cooperative have each received $1,000 college scholarships awarded by the Education Scholarship Foundation of the Virginia, Maryland & Delaware Association of Electric Cooperatives.

The 2022 scholarship recipients are Kinley Cox, Claiborne High School; Addison Fleenor, Hancock County High School; and Storm Ramsey, Hancock County High School.

The students were eligible for consideration because their parents or guardians are members of Powell Valley Electric Cooperative.

“These scholarships reflect the strong commitment of electric cooperatives to advancing educational opportunities among our youth,” said Russell G. “Rusty” Brown, chair of the Education Scholarship Foundation Board and chair of the board of directors of the VMD Association. “We commend these students on their academic success, knowing they represent a future generation of leaders in their communities.”

The Foundation awarded Worth Hudson Scholarships of $1,000 each to 50 students. They are named in honor of Hudson, the first chairman of the VMDAEC Education Scholarship Foundation. All three Powell Valley Electric Cooperative students received the Worth Hudson Scholarship.

“We’re extremely proud to be able to help these deserving young people from electric cooperative service areas continue their education, whether at a college or university, or in learning a trade,” said Brian Mosier, president and CEO of the VMD Association.

Since 2001, the Foundation has provided approximately 840 scholarships totaling more than $860,000 to aspiring college students as well as to the next generation of electric lineworkers.

The Foundation is supported through tax-deductible donations and bequests from individuals, proceeds from fundraising events and CoBank’s Sharing Success Program. One hundred percent of donations go to students for scholarships. For information on donating to the Foundation, visit

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