Levelized Billing
Simplify Your Monthly Electric Bill
PVEC’s Levelized Billing Plan is a smart choice for those who want predictable electric bills. This plan helps you plan your monthly expenses by giving you a more consistent bill amount.
How It Works
Each month, we calculate your bill by averaging the current month’s charges with the previous 11 months. This rolling 12-month average smooths out seasonal spikes, so your bill remains fairly consistent month to month. You may see slight variations, but large fluctuations are minimized.
Example of Levelized Billing
The chart illustrates how levelized billing works. The green bars show actual bill amounts, and the blue bars show the consistent levelized payment the customer made. For instance, in December, the actual bill was $281, but the levelized payment was only $162. The difference accrues as a balance that gets paid down in lower-usage months.
Ready to Sign Up?
If you’re interested in Levelized Billing, please fill out the form below.
Participants must have a $0 account balance to enroll.